Friday, 16 August 2013

Potwell Dyke Re-visited 2 - the changes we noticed

Some of the things we saw and thought on this visit

 "There was a lot or erosion and silt on the paths and fields. There were different flowers and plants in bloom like Deadly Nightshade, reeves, rosehips, elderflower, buttercups, a blue flower (can't remember name).  We saw ladybugs, froghoppers, cabbage white and brown butterflies, red and black bug.  We saw a lot of rubbish and sludge removed from the river.  Lots of overgrown thistles and nettles." (Anthony)

"Changes since last visit: overgrown nettles and grass - more green overgrowth covering some flowers; more flowers on some plants, eg burdocks, rosehips, buttercups; no cowslips (at least not visible) due to overgrown grass) - only come out in spring; abundance of insects, invertebrates, grasshoppers, frog-hoppers, midges, butterflies, ladybirds/ladybird larvae, bees; mud/silt residue left over from flood covered many plants eg mint.  Some plants were seeding - eg rattles.  Pile of rubbish scooped from the dyke near car park.  Weather was much better this time, and it was good to see seasonal changes and the after effects of the flood." (Ricky)

With Robin's guidance, some of us tried
this wild garlic - an incredible edible!

..but Robin reminded us not all plants
are on the menu - like Deadly Nightshade

"We went for a walk to Potwell Dyke.  We saw a lot of cow pats and we saw some bluebells and some buttercups." (Phillip)

Elderflower berries - not ripe yet!

"The walk was different because there were lots of flowers and plants to see and it seemed steeper than before and I saw some of the damage the floods had done. I thought it seemed longer but the walk was interesting.  Lots of rubbish came out of the Dyke." (Rachel)

The Minster towers are never far away

"Still very nice.  Nice to see the difference in spring to summer.  The flowers that was to the flowers now...nice to be in the fresh air." (Laila)

"I walked to Potwell Dyke with staff and (saw) changes in the fields..." (Laura)
"I enjoyed taking photos of different kinds of flowers and plants. It was a good walk explring the countryside in the fresh air.  It was (a) good afternoon, bit hot and sticky but was okay." (Sarah)

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